Assess and gain confidence in your cyber capabilities

Assess your security controls, gain valuable insights into your cyber posture.

risk analysis cyber security risk analysis cyber security

Senior management need assurance in
cybersecurity capabilities. Let us help you

The devastating trend of cyber incidents has created interest in cybersecurity from boards and executive management. Many technology leaders, however, struggle to provide incontestable assurance.

Cyber assurance is a critical component of any cyber strategy but can be expensive, complicated to scope, seen as a compliance exercise and the resulting reports are usually not actionable.

At Cyberlastic, we know you need cyber assurance that provides confidence and delivers value. With our depth of expertise and experience, we help organisations:

  • Develop cyber assurance programs;
  • Conduct cybersecurity reviews, aligned to industry best practise;
  • Assess third party vendors for risks
cyber advisory

Our experienced team has conducted various assurance activities that inform cyber strategies and validate existing cyber controls.

Do you struggle with:

  • continuous exposure to third party risk
  • existing uncertainty to the gaps in your cyber controls
  • consultant reports that cannot be used or actioned

At CYBERLASTIC, we’ll help you define and conduct activities that provide holistic assurance to your senior business leaders.

cyber risk security